We're not just bug guys...
We're Home Defenders!
Serving the San Bernardino National Forest, Crestline, Cedarpines Park, Lake Arrowhead, Blue Jay, Twin Peaks, Cedar Glen, Rimforest, Skyforest, Running Springs, Green Valley Lake, Fawnskin, Big Bear Lake, Big Bear City, Moonridge, and Sugarloaf
“What the world needs now is love, sweet, love,” Dionne Warwick sang in her 1966 hit song. Perhaps that sentiment was true in the turbulent 60s, but is it still valid in 2023? Say what you will about past decades, at least service companies cared about their customers.
What the world needs now is old-fashioned pettiness. Let me explain. Every week at my office, we experience problems with the corporate companies we hire for various services. We try to contact these cold, impersonal behemoths and resolve the issue their incompetence created, but we run a gauntlet trying to talk to a human being. When we do make contact, their bumbling representatives offer little help. And forget about talking to a supervisor. I swear most companies have fired all management and rely on poorly trained people at call centers to resolve issues. Big companies probably call that cost-cutting. I call it lousy service.
How do the CEOs at these companies sleep? Where is the pride? Yes, they drive brand-new Aston Martins and fly in private jets, but I wouldn’t run one of those awful companies for all the tea in China. I need my beauty sleep.
I began writing these articles in 2006. Sure, I wanted to advertise my business, but a more compelling reason pushed me to take on the extra workload. I wanted my competitors to open the newspaper, see my smiling face, read my article, and feel defeated. “How in the heck do I top that?” I imagined them thinking to themselves. While at the helm of my ship, I am a petty, egotistical son of a gun. I want to be the best, and I put my money where my mouth is. My bank account suffers from my ego, but I can live without an Aston Martin. I can’t live without taking pride in my company.
As long as I run Home Defenders, we will answer our telephones and treat our customers like friends, neighbors, and family. I am just too petty to run my company any other way. Have a petty, egotistical week, everyone!
Big Bear Chamber of Commerce
Crestline Chamber of Commerce
Lake Arrowhead Chamber of Commerce
Pest Control Operators of California
Running Springs Chamber of Commerce
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