We're not just bug guys...
We're Home Defenders!
Serving the San Bernardino National Forest, Crestline, Cedarpines Park, Lake Arrowhead, Blue Jay, Twin Peaks, Cedar Glen, Rimforest, Skyforest, Running Springs, Green Valley Lake, Fawnskin, Big Bear Lake, Big Bear City, Moonridge, and Sugarloaf
The workday began as most early summer workdays begin. A gentle breeze filled the air with the scent of rose and lilac as the sun poured its rays down on the mountain. Could Heaven be any better? But, in a matter of hours, an image lodged in my brain that does not dislodge easily. That image will soon be stamped on your brain. Welcome to the club.
I walked into a regular customer's cabin and noticed a foul odor. Those can have many causes, such as the homeowner’s cooking, so I brushed it aside. But, as I treated the baseboards for spiders on the lowest level, the odor grew in intensity. Uh-oh.
I didn’t want to drum up extra work—tracking down mystery odors can take hours—but the customer is king, so I asked the owner if she’d noticed the smell.
“Yes, Mike, but who do I call for help?”
“Don’t worry, Mrs. Ingersol, I’ll get to the bottom of the problem.”
I suspected three common causes:
The smell was strongest downstairs, so I began my search in the buildup. I scanned the ground for a dead animal but saw none. Next, I traced an old galvanized toilet drain pipe on a downhill slope. I came to a big crack. Below the crack, in a scene right out of a horror movie, a bubbling brew of raw sewage appeared in the beam of my flashlight. Blecch!
Mrs. Ingersol was shocked to learn of the stink pond, but she knew a good plumber. And as that image of raw, bubbling sewage seeped into my brain, I felt professional satisfaction that I had kept my promise and got to the, ahem, bottom of the problem. Have an inspect-your-buildup-from-time-to-time kind of week, everybody!
Big Bear Chamber of Commerce
Crestline Chamber of Commerce
Lake Arrowhead Chamber of Commerce
Pest Control Operators of California
Running Springs Chamber of Commerce
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